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LostinAustin is a product of thinAIR Solutions an Austin, TX and Crested Butte, CO. online directory advertising and content management company. We are always looking for talent.
Currently we are looking for individuals to fill the following needs.

BLOG CONTRIBUTORS: We are looking for talented writers to bring exciting, current, topical content to our LostinAustin blog. Our blog writers are credited for all their posts with a photo and bio/contact/business links. All of your blog posts will show up under your lostinaustin.org blogger bio page. If you’d like to contribute your writing talents, email us Here.

WORDPRESS CODERS: Looking for WordPress coders familiar with WooCommerce and the WP Listify Theme. We’d love to have a developer on staff, but would like to start by paying by the customization job. If you’d like to help develop lostinaustin.org, email us Here

PHOTOGRAPHERS: Great photography is the backbone of this site. We have a large audience on both our site and our FB page. All the photos we publish (besides our) we fully credit with the photographers name, @tag and your busi8ness URL if applicable. We you’d like us to get the word out on your photography, email us Here

AD SALES: We pay 100% commission to our salespeople. 100% of the ad cost the new partner pays to “Get Listed” on goes into your pocket. If you’d like to join our sales team, email us Here

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